Sunday, November 7, 2010

Why do I do this?

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Bingo NIght Every Night

When I say that, I refer to the elderly that frequent our establishment, it is Bingo Night every night. "Waiter Rant" once said that there is something primal about eating that brings out the worst behaviors, and I thoroughly believe in that statement.

The entitled, rich or even non-rich who feel entitled with the need to boss people around who are serving their food can bite my ASS!!

A party of 4 come in at around 6 PM. We have about 240 on the books already, so it's going to be a busy night. Of course they are elderly (therefore fricking picky), and refuse two booths I lead them to. Of course, they want the nice big one for 6 people in the middle of the dining room. Me, "I'm so sorry, but that is reserved for a 6 top coming in the next hour." The grandpa of the 4 proceeds to say,"You're making me dizzy," and sits at the booth I told him he cannot sit at, "Call the police if you want, you can't make me move from here." I run to my general manager, who I could tell didn't event want to deal, so he runs to the maitre d'. What happened to having a pair? Help me people!!

Seriously? There are 4 year olds with better manners than that. How can I lobby for euthanisia? Kill me at 40 to spare the rest of the world.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year'$ Eve!

Had the glorious task of reconfirming New Year's Eve reservations last Wednesday. Typically here in NYC many restaurants do a special pre-fixe, so did $90/person. For a bad economy, people seem to still be spending...or they are stupid, old, and senile, and didn't hear us tell them the first time it's a pre-fixe when they made the reservation:

--Ring, Ring
MOI: Hello, this is UES Restaurant calling to reconfirm your New Year's Eve reservation for tomorrow at 7 PM. Is Mr. Smith there to reconfirm?
CUSTOMER: Well, he's not here, but I don't like your food much, but I guess we'll be there.
MOI: Uh, well, just a reminder it is $90/person pre-fixe, and the cancellation time has passed since it's 48 hours in advance.
CUSTOMER: That is ridiculous, your food isn't even that good, I want to cancel!

Ok, by now, I'm thinking, may be this guy just has a crazy wife. So...
MOI: Ok, well who made the reservation, you or your husband?
CUSTOMER: He did, but I'm paying for it, and I want to cancel!
MOI: Ok, well can you just have him call me back to confirm?

20 minutes later...
HUSBAND: WHat?? $90!!! That is ridiculous, and your food isn't even that good. We are cancelling! Also, I want you to send me the $90 for my making this call to cancel the reservation!
MOI: Sir, your credit card was never charged for the reservation.
MOI: Sir, plus, you're calling from a local number.
HUSBAND: If you're going to charge me $90 for your food, I want you to send me the $90 for this call!

I should've taped this and posted to YouTube.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Coat Check Hazards

Sorry long time no post, life gets busy. Last night I had to also coat check and the way our coat check room is set up, it's cramped, tight, and you have to be super tall to reach the hanger. I lost my balance on the ladder and knocked my temple on the wall. Small bruise, hurts...all with the honorable goal to hang up that D&G coat I was admiring.

Maybe it's karma getting back at me for trying on all those furs and taking photos and uploading to Facebook.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Do I Really Want to Leave?

Let's face it. No one really wants to work as a hostess, server, or busboy...though in some restaurants, being a waiter is a career and an art. That I get...otherwise, it's necessary money for survival to supplement whatever aspiring career goals you may have. No one wants to do this forever. The physical work can be grueling and customers are annoying. Ironic isn't it? Customers are the life blood of a restaurant, yet they are annoying as hell.

I was off the past two Saturdays, mostly because it's been slower. Though hostessing is a supplemental job for me (supplemental but necessary), I often wonder what would I do with my time once I no longer need my extra job. It does scare me a little to let go of the one job that has me face to face with different people all the time, to know that there is more out there than the immediate people I deal with on a daily basis whether it be friends or co-workers at my other gig.

Right now I don't need to worry about what I'm doing on Friday and Saturday nights....I know I'm working. Don't get me wrong. I'm a social girl, but having to feel obligated to be social on the recreational nights of the week, and all of a sudden not having access to different people all the time, scares me a bit. At the same time, restaurant characters are way more colorful than the ones you encounter at a 9-5 job.

I know that one day I will leave. I don't want to have to hostess forever as it tires me, and there are times it's stressful (except when my managers sneak me drinks and food at the end of shift). Hey, I love my celebrity sitings.

Just know that when it does end, I'll be just a bit sad.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tip Whore I Am

Random story....sometimes people come in to ask if they can just use the bathroom, and for the most part we say yes. I mean, what am I going to say, "No, hold it in, and go else where."

This lady comes in asking if she could use the restroom. I said, "Sure," and pointed where to go.

She tips me $5! Wow! Must've been a guilt tip.

We should start charging for bathroom usage from non customers.

More Annoying Co-Hostesses

What shall I name her? Naive Nymphette.

I suppose she and I should bond that we graduated from the same school though I'm way older than her. She's sweet and has some sort of a brain, but her presence has continued to annoy me big time.

First, she's is so damn touchy feely. I'm not un-affectionate, but if I don't know you well, I'm not going to be all over you the second time I meet you. Jeezus. One thing she does that bugs me is if I'm looking at the reservation screen, she'll look over my shoulder and rest her chin on my shoulder and leave it there like we're best friends. SUPER ANNOYING cause she does it all the time!!! Even her hair brushing on my arm bugs me now!

Also, yes, when it's slow, a number of waiters congregate at the front where the hostess stand is and we chit chat, but does she have to butt in to a separate conversation I'm having, and say, "What are you talking about? Who!??!"

Oh, and not to be superficial (but I am), she isn't the hottest thing in the world...I consider her a total plain Jane. She has a serious boyfriend, but she continues to flirt with staff. What the hell? Of course she keeps saying CONSTANTLY,"Oh, but I have a boyfriend, I shouldn't." IF YOU WERE REALLY SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND, YOU WOULDN"T EVEN BE LOOKING OR FLIRTING WITH THE OTHER GUYS.